
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Feb. 22, 2006 Muslim Cartoons and the Mohammedan Tautology

Muslim cartoons are a pretext to plunder. Mohammedans have no central religious authority, as do some Christian churches, so each man is his own god, his own prinicple of right and wrong. If he feels like rioting, he does that, with little to restrain him.

It is plain for the whole world to see just how much Muslims depend on their outward good works for salvation, when they objected violently to cartoons depicting Mohammed as a terrorist. The theory is that their own inward convictions were insufficient to save their souls, so they needed to show Allah they cared, or be condemned, at least in their own eyes. At the same time, they let everyone know of their latent savagery, if "infidels" did not believe, think, and write according to their will and pleasure.

And no, they were not justified in rioting because they felt insulted. Some Americans have excused them for their violence, but it was inexcusable. The problem is inside the Mulims, not inside everybody else. The big weakness of Mohammedan theology is the Mohammedan tautology. (A. F. Publius) That means one must presume Mohammedism is true, before it can be proved true. When seen outside itself, and carefully analyzed, its failings become apparent. But if Mohammedism is true because it is true, that leaves no room for debate. That is the Muslim position, and it is time they get over it. There is a valid Christian view of the world , too. There are also more Christians than Muslims. And one Christian doctrine is that one's good works cannot buy salvation from God, because He already owns all things. Apparently, Muslims are in the salvation-buying business.

Why hasn't someone brought up this consideration? If no image of Mohammed is allowed, how do the Muslims know the cartoons looked like Mohammed? Or did the Danes draw a common-looking Arab, and put the word Mohammed by it? If it's not really a picture, even if a cartoon, of Mohammed, why would they be up in arms about it? For other enlightening analysis, go to

Hilliary, Condy NO! Anybody, such as Dick Morris and Sean Hannity, who believes either Hilliary The Hick Marxist, phiosophical daughter of Saul Alinsky (her master's thesis is about Alinsky), will be president of the United States, or that Condaleeza Rice will be, has fallen off the wagon. No man of war wants to be bossed around by a wimpy woman who has not even shot a beebee gun. See the book, Life or Death Economics.

Brokeback Weirdos. Brokeback Mountain is misnamed. It should be called the Saga of Two Queer Sheep Herders Dressed Like Cowboys. As every experienced sheepherder, such as myself, knows, sheepherders usually read or write while watching sheep eat grass and pass the time of day. Those that can't read or write may be tempted to molest the sheep to pass the time. If two known sheep molesters are quarantined together, in many cases they molest each other. Like a pen full of boar hogs. Do not go and do likewise. And do not watch the movie. Make the studio lose money.

Learn why the ACLU is a religion competing with the Boy Scouts for dominance. Our book search has turned up Life or Death Economics, an unusual new publication showing the relationship of human life to human wealth. It talks about the four kinds of people in two separate groups. Making money, understanding business and economics, and imparting a mental and philosophical maturity to college girls and college guys, and doing other good things for readers are just some of the pluses. A must have. Find at

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