Political Problems Are Spiritual Problems
A significant number of people in the United States and Norhern Europe have been deceived into believing, and acting upon the belief, that it is possible, even desirable, to analyze the machinations of government and its day to day operations without a religious or philosophical bias. This error is pursued with such vengeance that it can be surmised the reputably learned perpetrators have majored in folly. It is no understatement that colleges and universities in "The West" are the worst enemies of the truth, and the worst enemies of Biblical Judeo-Christianity in the world. It is in the make-believe world of universities, where the participants live in the world of words, not in the world of deeds, that the lies of Authoritarianism, Atheism, and Relativistism have established deep roots. It is the Liberal Socialists among Americans who insist on a separation of church and state to the extent that it amounts to a separation of God and Man. This is happening in face of the glaring truth that every human association, even if through a third party such as a government body, is a moral or spiritual situation. Political campaigns, waging war, taxation, opposing Mohammedan terrorists, dealing with the Bush administration, and fomenting Victimism and Africanism are all spiritual problems appearing under the rubric of "politics." The fog of controversy stirred up by learned perpetrators regarding government suggests they are such spiritual infants they cannot understand the real character of their words and actions, or they are such liars they refuse to admit it, or they are too weak-minded to grasp the reality in which they live as they try to wield an influence on it.
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