"Happiness is the object and design of our existence,
and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path
that leads to it." ---Joseph Smith, Jr.
Scroll down for selection:
3. QUESTION: Do "Mormons" believe Jesus and Satan are brothers?
2. Mormon Accomplishments, The Many Good Things About "Mormonism."
1. BOOK OF MORMON Baseball Game
(1 Corinthians 13:1+; Moroni 7:37-48; Alma 7:23-24;
Matt.23:23-39; Luke 11:34-54)
Looking at a faith continuum of faith, hope, and charity, to arrive at the last, one must first muster up a hope, or "plant a seed," that there is a hope for fallen Man through a Redeemer. (Alma 32:26-43) That hope leads to faith in Christ, which leads to a real hope in Christ, which leads to charity, or the love of Christ. Charity is the most typical quality God possesses, so if anyone possess all His other qualities and characteristics, and lacks charity it is as though he is only a "show disciple," an empty shell, or "a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal." (1 Cor.13:1) God and Christ never cease to have charity, whether they destroy the wicked, or bless the righteous. Charity is the "pure love of Christ" (Moro.7:47), having the long-term welfare of an individual in mind. To have charity, a man or woman must first be "meek and lowly of heart" (Moro.7:42, 43), meaning teachable, or ruled by God.
Charity is a consolidation of several godly qualities, as the scriptures above list:
"Happiness is the object and design of our existence,
and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path
that leads to it." ---Joseph Smith, Jr.
Scroll down for selection:
3. QUESTION: Do "Mormons" believe Jesus and Satan are brothers?
2. Mormon Accomplishments, The Many Good Things About "Mormonism."
1. BOOK OF MORMON Baseball Game
(1 Corinthians 13:1+; Moroni 7:37-48; Alma 7:23-24;
Matt.23:23-39; Luke 11:34-54)
Looking at a faith continuum of faith, hope, and charity, to arrive at the last, one must first muster up a hope, or "plant a seed," that there is a hope for fallen Man through a Redeemer. (Alma 32:26-43) That hope leads to faith in Christ, which leads to a real hope in Christ, which leads to charity, or the love of Christ. Charity is the most typical quality God possesses, so if anyone possess all His other qualities and characteristics, and lacks charity it is as though he is only a "show disciple," an empty shell, or "a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal." (1 Cor.13:1) God and Christ never cease to have charity, whether they destroy the wicked, or bless the righteous. Charity is the "pure love of Christ" (Moro.7:47), having the long-term welfare of an individual in mind. To have charity, a man or woman must first be "meek and lowly of heart" (Moro.7:42, 43), meaning teachable, or ruled by God.
Charity is a consolidation of several godly qualities, as the scriptures above list:
[Charity] suffereth long—endures injury, hurt, or provocation long and patiently, not quick to judge or punish.
Is kind—considerate, merciful, helpful, and gracious, serves others.
Envieth not—does not covet or begrudge others of what they have.
Is not puffed up—is not vain, proud, arrogant, nor haughty.
Seeketh not her own—is not selfish, not self-aggrandizing, not intrusive, not self-imposing.
Vaunteth not itself—is not brazen, does not utter empty words, does not brag.
Does not behave unseemly—acts appropriately, prudent, does not offend the Spirit of the Lord, does not violate the laws of God, "wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove."
Not easily provoked—exhibits self-control, self-mastery, not volatile or pugnacious.
Thinketh no evil—does not devise lies, is not malicious or deceitful.
Rejoiceth not in iniquity—does not tolerate sin, rejects evil in all its forms, is intelligent. (D&C 93:36,37)
Rejoiceth in truth—loves the Spirit of Truth, the Savior; loves plain facts and accuracy.
Beareth all things—does not complain or murmur because of trials, hardships, tribulations, and inconveniences.
Believeth all things—has an open mind for Truth, is meek or teachable, especially when it comes to believing God.
Hopeth all things—is optimistic, forward-looking, especially regarding the Lord’s promises of salvation through His gospel.
Endureth all things—endures to the end of mortality (in faith in Christ and repentance), steady, unwavering, has staying power, does not give up, determined to serve God at all costs.
(Approximately 1 1/2 typewritten pages)
The Bible contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but the elements of the gospel in the Bible are so dispersed that few recognize them for what they really are. (Matt.4:23; Acts.20:24; 2 Tim.1:8-11; D&C 10:45-46) The Book of Mormon published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (and some others) also contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (3 Ne.11:31-41; 27:13-22; D&C 18:4-5; 20:9; 27:5; 39:5-6; 42:12; 76:4-42; 88:17-22) One purpose of the Book of Mormon is to restore to men a clear knowledge of the gospel, as well as to act as another witness for Christ. In both Books, the gospel is referred to by a multitude of names, all meaning the exact same thing, some of which are glad tidings of great joy, redemption, redemption through his blood, salvation, knowledge of salvation, your consolation and salvation, escape…great salvation, great joy and salvation, gospel of baptism, gospel of repentance, law of Christ, doctrine of Christ, plan of salvation, plan of redemption, "our report" (Is.53:1; Rom.10:15-16), plan of happiness, covenant, new covenant, new and everlasting covenant, and even the "good news," taken from root word meanings.
Now, if the plan of redemption is the glad tidings, or "good news," what is the "bad news"? Obviously it is "good" to be absolved of guilt and receive mercy and a remission of sins through Christ or Messiah, and it is "bad" to suffer God’s indignant wrath, or justice. Men and women must depend upon the grace, merits, righteousness, and mercy of Christ for sanctification and salvation, and not their own "good works." (Jn.1:17; Acts 15:11; Rom.3:23-25; 2 Ne.2:8; 25:23; 31:19) Again, it is good news to have a plan of complete escape from the fall of Adam and the judgments God pours out upon fallen men for breaking divine commandments, and it is bad news to be punished for those broken laws.
In a capsule, the gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses the fall of Adam** and the coming of Christ to compensate for (1) spiritual death, or separation, from God and (2) physical death, or the grave, both resulting from the fall of Adam. (1 Cor.15:22; Mos.3:19; Alma 22:13; Mor.9:11-14) The points comprising His gospel are these:
1. The Fall of man and his double predicament, "bad news." (1 Cor.15:22; Mosiah 3:19)
2. The Eternal Judgment of all men, "bad news." (Morm.3:20)
3. The Atonement or propitiation of Christ, "good news." (Rom.3:3:25; 1 Jn.2:2; 4:10; Morm.2:12)
4. The universal Resurrection, "good news." (1 Cor.15:12-42; Jn.11:25; 2 Ne.9:6-22; Mos.15:20-26; Alma 40:1-21)
5. The need for Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Gal.3:2-26; Heb.11:1-39; Ether 12:3-37; Moro.7:1-44)
6. The need for Repentance, including a broken heart and contrite spirit and a rebirth of the Spirit. (Matt.12:29,32; Rev.2:5-22; 1 Sam.15:29, 35; Alma 42:4-31; Hel.13:2-39; Moro.8:8-28)
7. The need for Baptism by immersion in water by an authorized agent for the remission of sins and to enter into a covenant with God. (Matt.20:22-23; Mark 1:4; Acts 19:3-4; Rom.6:4; Eph.4:5; Col.2:12; 2 Ne.3:13-17; 3 Ne.11:22-28; Moro.6:1-4; 8:25)
8. The laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost by an authorized agent. (Acts 8:15-19; Heb.6:2; Luke 1:67; Acts 1:2-16; 10:38-47; 13:2-9,52; D&C 20:41,69,73; 1 Ne.10:11-22; 2 Ne.31:8-21; 3 Ne.11:25-36; 18:36-37; 19:9-22)
9. The necessity of Enduring to the End in Faith in Christ and continued Repentance from sin, until the death of the mortal body. (Matt.24:13; Mark 13:13; James 5:11; 1 Ne.13:37; 2 Ne.9:24; 2 Ne.31:16,20; 33:9; 3 Ne.27:13-22)
The gospel is not all the teachings of the Messiah. There are others, such as those He gave in His Great Sermon, the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 and in 3 Nephi 12-14, to members of His church to direct their daily lives. The gospel is only that portion of His teachings sufficient to overcome the effects of the fall on man, that is, cause the Savior to "answer the ends of the law" (Rom.10:4; 2 Ne.2:7) for individuals, and bring them back into the presence of God to enjoy eternal life, or the life of the Great Eternal God. The other teachings co-ordinate with and instruct fallen mortals how to live as Christ does, as well as how to "go on unto perfection" (Heb.6:1-3) or partake of the "meat" of His teachings, in addition to the "milk," and are part of enduring to the end of mortal life. (1 Cor.3:2; Heb.5:12-13; 1 Pet.2:2; D&C 19:22) Some teachings involve the temple, central to the life of the man or woman in Christ. (See references to the temple in the Old and New Testaments and elsewhere.)
**Note: The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were well aware of the fallen nature of man, and constituted a temporal government to accommodate it.
QUESTION: Do "Mormons" believe Jesus and Satan are brothers?
(approximately 5 typewritten pages)
A: Being middle-aged and familiar with doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or "Mormons," I must confess I have never heard the above exact idea taught in any latter-day saint meeting. That leads me to conclude that it is at best an extrapolation, or a conclusion Protestants, and maybe Catholics, draw from other ideas latter-day saints espouse. It seems to be accentuated and spread by people, even by some church ministers having a facile familiarity with, but woefully lacking in an in-depth comprehension of the Bible. Those people seem to experience exhilaration in latching onto one idea so preposterous in their minds that it easily impeaches all of "Mormonism" in one easy stroke. So, let’s look at Bible teachings on the subject. And I add that those who actually study the Bible tend to have a high degree of agreement on what it means. Mormons are no exception, understanding the Bible as well, or even better than their critics. We will proceed upon the presumption the Scriptures are true, in full agreement with the best Bible scholar in England of his day, Isaac Newton. We will seek to understand as he did what God meant when He revealed His words, not whether they are true. And, presumably, a long answer is best for those not particularly familiar with some Bible teachings.
Certainly in the Old Testament (Old Covenant), one example of sibling rivalry from birth is Jacob and Esau, wherein the older twin, Esau, had fully decided to end Jacob’s life over Jacob’s inspired guile to obtain the patriarchal birthright from the older, in exchange for "bread and pottage of lentils." (Gen.25:33) The birthright, of course, was the right to priesthood power, the right of presidency, or leadership, in spiritual matters, which Esau did not value sufficiently, he being a man of the world, a hunter, and an athlete. Additionally, he had already married contrary to his parents’ wishes. (Gen. 26:34-35) Esau relented in his anger when Jacob upon his return years later gave Esau even more material things, mostly livestock. (Gen. 33:11) The brothers became ancestors to rival nations, the Edomites and Israelites.
That birthright eventually came to Joseph who was sold for money by his envious older brothers to Ishmeelites on their way to Egypt (Gen. 37:25), whereupon the birthright came to Ephraim, the son of Joseph. (Gen. 49:22-26) Jesus had the same authority, both because He was the agent of His Father and the Son of God, and because He was part Ephraimite and part Jew. Paul in the Book of Hebrews meticulously explains why Jesus could officiate in lower priesthood duties belonging by birthright to Levites, because Jesus had the high priesthood authority of Melchizedek, or Shem, son of Noah, which trumped other priesthood authority. (Heb. 7)
Another prime Biblical example of malevolence toward a brother is that of Cain toward Abel. (Gen. 14:16) The younger Abel was a righteous priest, who offered a proper burnt offering in similitude of the Lamb of God to come at a future time to propitiate for the sins of Adam’s repentant posterity. (1 Jn. 2:3) That happened according to the New Testament (New Covenant). It should be pointed out that the Lord God of the Old Testament giving commandments to Adam regarding sacrifices was one and the same Son of God or Holy One of Israel that later took on a body of flesh when He became the Babe of Bethlehem, the son of Mary and Joseph. (Isaiah 53; Luke 2) Faithless Cain, by contrast, offered up roots and vegetables not specified as proper offerings, and God did not respect him for it. (Deut. 15:19-23)
Simply put, God the Father and His Son demand that mortals worship them as they want to be worshipped, not just any old way, specifically "in spirit and in truth." (Jn. 4:23-24) In fact, a conversion to Christ entails two areas of conformity, (1) conversion to the doctrines of Christ and (2) practicing His methods of worship. Only Christians sing melodic hymns, for example, and partake of the sacrament of the Lord’s supper. (Matt. 26:26; Acts 2:42)
Satan, that great evil spirit and prince of this world, saw Cain’s pride, dissatisfaction, and rebellion against prescribed methods of worship, and tempted Cain to not only get even with Abel, but urged Cain to murder his brother to obtain his flocks and lands. (Jn. 8:44; 12:31; Heb. 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12; Rev. 12:9; 14:4-9; 2 Ne. 2:18; D&C 29:36-38) But before Cain committed the act, the Lord warned him in a direct revelation the step he was about to take would destroy his salvation, making him subject to the devil, who is "the son of perdition," or of the category of those completely ruined. (Jn. 17:12; 2 Thes. 2:3; 3 Ne. 27:32; D&C 76:26,32,43) Cain did it anyway, willfully, with full knowledge of his sin, and brought a curse upon himself. (Gen. 4:12-15) Therefore, Satan, the enemy of righteousness, the deceiver, and "accuser of our brethren" (Rev. 12:10) succeeded in making Cain miserable like himself.
If anyone were to see Satan, he would appear as a handsome, eloquent, and persuasive man, able to cite scripture to make his point seem plausible. (Matt.4:1-11) But when Satan is fully exposed at a future date, people will stare at him and wonder how such a one could reek so much havoc and misery in the earth. (Is. 14:12-16) M. Russell Ballard stated, "Satan is not clever because he is smart, but because he is old." According to the Bible, in time, there will be a complete and permanent triumph over all evil through the Lord Jesus Christ, the great champion of righteousness. (Rev. 12:11)
There are other examples in scripture of family disputes, kingly intrigues, and many wars. Even the Book of Mormon begins with long-running, even violent family disagreements, resulting in two warring nations originating with one group of righteous brothers fending off another group of unrighteous brothers. (1 N. 1+)
The English word devil is used to translate a variety of Greek and Hebrew words meaning slanderer, demon, adversary, and spoiler. The Bible tells us that at one time, Satan, or Lucifer, was a literal spirit son of God, "an angel" or servant in authority in the presence of God. According to Bible accounts, he was expelled from the presence of God for his desire to exercise authority or unjust dominion over others there, becoming the great enemy of Christ and the Father’s free-will plan of redemption, seeking to destroy the souls of men, and attempting to possess the physical bodies of mortals. (Rev. 12:3-17; Matt.9:32; 12:22; Mark 1:24; 5:7; Luke 8:30; Acts 19:15; Mosiah 3:6)
While the Apostle John was banished to the Isle of Patmos by oppressive Roman government officials for preaching about Christ, he was shown in vision the history of heaven before his time, plus the earth’s history during his time and in the future. John records a great "war" of ideas took place in heaven, those for individual liberty against authoritarians. (2 Th. 2:2-4; Rev. 12:7) Satan, or Lucifer, " a son of the morning," fell from his glory, causing the heavens to weep. (Is. 14:12) And he spawned a rebellion joined my many like himself dedicated to unseating God and replacing the divine principle of free moral choice with one of force and compulsion. (Is. 14:13-15; 2 Th. 2:2-4) He was opposed by Christ and Michael, and was cast out with one third of the host ("stars") of heaven into the earth where he chose to be the destroyer and anti-Christ. (Rev. 12:9; 1 Jn. 2:18-22; 4:3; 2 Ne. 2:18; Mosiah 16:3) Even now he "reigns with blood and horror," inspiring despots, teaching hate, deceiving humans, and bringing to pass every kind of suffering and perversion imaginable.
Clearly, Satan and his spirit followers readily recognized Jesus as the Messiah when He appeared in the flesh. (Matt.8:28-34) One instance was the time Jesus cast the devils out of a tormented man, and consented to allow the expelled spirits to possess the bodies of swine nearby, knowing they would all go crazy and drown themselves in the sea. (Matt. 5:13) That’s because demons are insane, existing as they do out of harmony with the God of truth and life. It is insanity to be out of touch with reality. One aspect of damnation for Satan and his host is to remain without mortal bodies forever. Just how many devils there are is a closely guarded secret of the kingdom of hell, speculates Whittaker Chambers in his famous Feb., 1948 Time Magazine article titled "The Devil." The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis is a similar treatment.
Otherwise, the devils serve God indirectly by tempting, proving, and damning corrupt mortals, or by saving those able to resist evil enticements. The moral agency of mortal humans consists of (1) following Christ or Messiah, or (2) following the devil. Many frankly love Satan more than God, among which can be counted Cain, many of the Jews during the ministry of Jesus, and no end of other people before and after His mortal ministry. Jesus even said Satan, not Abraham, was the father of many prominent ancient Jews, because "ye believe me not." (Jn. 8:42-45; Rev. 13:4) Strongly testifying God was His Father, Jesus alluded to the fact that He, as a spirit being, pre-dated Abraham. (Jn. 8:58) Elsewhere recorded, mortal men also had a previous spirit existence. (Gen. 1:26-28; Is. 44:2; 48:8; Jer. 1:5; Rev. 12:7; Luke 2:13)
So, why didn’t the Lord God prevent Cain from murdering Abel? Better yet, why didn’t He prevent Satan from tempting Cain? (Gen. 4:18) For the same reason he allows all men to be tempted, even Himself. (Matt. 27:40; Luke 4:3; Heb. 5:8) God miraculously created the Earth to perpetuate His own race, making copies of Himself through His children. He would be nothing without His children. At some time or another, He offers all mankind the life He leads, Eternal life, or the life of the Great Eternal God. (Jn. 17:3) Some want it, and enter in the strait and narrow way on the path to the Tree of Life, while many more take the broad road, being their own gods, being "a law unto themselves," or being their own standard of right and wrong, and trusting their own judgment. (Matt. 7:14; 1 Cor. 2:9; Rev. 21:10, 22; 22:5)
Concurrent with God’s existence is His eternal attribute of moral agency, a very substantial divine attribute, like charity. Charity, or long-term concern for the welfare of another’s soul, is such an important attribute of God and Christ that if anyone possesses every other attribute of God, and lacks charity, he is as an empty shell. (1 Cor. 13) Likewise, God would cease to be God if He disallowed men their freedom of choice in moral things. Then He would be like the devil. Generally, anyone wanting salvation may have it, if he pays the price of giving up his sins, or if he forsakes the devil. It follows, therefore, that God commands all men and women to repent and worship Him, to choose Him, but allows them to refuse. (Ex. 35:5; Matt. 25:31-46; Luke 10:25-37; John 7:17; James 1:25-27; 2:12-26; Mor. 7:8) David O. McKay, a late president of the Church of Jesus Christ, taught that it is the sublimest gift of God to allow men and women the right of choice. It is the devil, Satan, or Lucifer that denies liberty and moral agency, he being an arrogant, authoritarian tyrant, a despot, a hate-filled, murderer, while God is the Perfect Gentleman, never forcing Himself on anyone—people must invite Him into their lives. He waits at the door for our invitation. (Rev. 3:20; M. Russell Ballard, Sunday evening sermon, SLC, Utah, circa Nov., 2007)
God and His Christ are real beings. (1 Jn. 3:2) The devil is a real being, as well. (Is. 14:16) Both have human forms and many attributes shared by humans. All accounts of seeing God or His messengers describe them as having human forms. (Gen. 35:9-10; Job 42:1-6; Jn. 1:12-15; 14:8-11; Acts 1:3; 2:1, 32; 4:20; 7:56; 11:13; 12:7, 11-13; 1 Cor. 15:6; James 1; Heb. 2:16; 2 Pet. 1:16-21; JS 1+) Of course it is not wise to speak often of the devil, as it may invite his presence. Certainly evil spirits are nearby when mortals are tempted to do anything contrary to the will of God. Because they superstitiously talk about unclean spirits, American Indian tribes and primitive jungle people in South America and elsewhere have frequent trouble with evil spirits or demons, as do those who adopt their many dark philosophies as means to bring about "change" in the world. Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler were willing to murder millions to bring about their Satanic religions of Communism and National Socialism, to name only two perpetrators of the devil’s doctrines, out of "legion." (Mark 5:9) And how many people suffered under their unjust authority! Strangely, America’s public school and university policies have by and large adopted the philosophy of "the son of perdition," teaching young people, backed by such ant-Christ organizations such as the ACLU, to be their own gods, and to defy societal foundations built upon the Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20; Matt. 19)
According to the Bible, God the Father; His Son, the Messiah or Jehovah; the spirits of men; angels, which are servants or messengers—many of them righteous spirits of men, some even with resurrected bodies; and Satan and his angels (servants) had an existence before the Earth we stand on was created, or better said, was organized. (Is. 48:8; Jer. 1:5; Rev. 12:7) Obviously, all were spiritually created, or organized as individuals, before they were physically created. All beings were spirits before God gave them mortal bodies or "temples" for their spirits. (Gen. 1+; Matt 27:40; 1 Cor. 3:16) Satan and his servants are denied such temples, damning them to their spirit state. The Bible plainly teaches that God created the heavens and the earth and all things therein, and that He knows all things. If all things include organized beings, then God created Satan and his followers. It’s a simple syllogism anyone can understand. (Gen. 1+; Matt. 6:8,30; 1 Jn. 3:20; 1 Ne. 9:6; 2 Ne. 9:20)
Clearly, God created or organized their spirit bodies, but they made themselves devils by how they employed the moral free agency He also gave them. Because of their actions, they were expelled from the presence of God. And after they had forfeited their salvation, that is, foolishly destroyed themselves, bringing down the indignation of a just God upon them, they immediately set about to induce all others to destroy their salvation as well. Presumably, devils, or evil spirits, could cease to be such, but they are liars, know they are liars, and love it, as are so many mortal humans who partake of their spiritual degeneracy. (Matt. 24; John 8:44; 2 Tim. 3:1-14; Rev. 20:10) God has decreed that every man or woman brings his or her condemnation upon himself or herself by listing to obey the devil. (Jn. 3:19; Alma 3:19; Moro. 7:19) On the day of judgment, better yet, on the day of self-judgment, every person will instantly know which of the two, and to what degree, he has served his spiritual master and lawgiver, whether it be the "Shepherd and Bishop of your souls," or the adversary. (Rev. 14:10; 21:8; 1 Pet. 2:25; 2 Ne. 28:23; 29:16-26, 46) Furthermore, all salvation is individual, not by group or committee, and is dependent on how each individual exercises his moral agency. (Matt. 7:2) Missionaries scour the world looking for individuals to bring to salvation.
Are Jesus and Satan brothers? Are Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Idi Amin, Mao Tse Tung, Henry VIII, Sadam Hussein, and any number of flagrant breakers of God’s laws your "brothers"? Certainly Germany, Austria, Italy, England, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, France, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Finland, and other countries are kindred nations. But do they share the evil philosophy of Hitler and Stalin? Would they want to bestow the title "brother" on anyone who disregarded human life as much as those two?
While the same Eternal Father organized Jesus and Satan, Jesus does not consider the devil His "brother," disclaiming any philosophical, mental, or spiritual kinship, and plainly saying so, and plainly condemning anyone supporting Satan. (Jn. 8:44) Their differences, not their similarities are significant. Jesus even goes so far as to say only those that hearken to His Father are His brothers and sisters, regardless of how else they may be related. (Matt. 12:50; 19:29; Jn.10:27) Jesus demonstrates complete, uncompromising determination to defeat evil, and treats Satan as a treacherous and dangerous inferior on the loose for a time. When Satan stirred up the rebellion in heaven, the Father, His Only Begotten Son-to-be, and Michael let the dissension go on just long enough to become a well-defined division, wherein all the individual spirits of prospective mortals took a side, then Christ and all His allies unceremoniously "cleaned house," ejecting the trouble-makers with extreme prejudice. (Rev. 12:7-10) Any sorrow and weeping by the hosts of heaven at the expulsion had to do with seeing those with such great potential throw it all away for naught. No doubt, a great feeling of relief accompanied Satan’s departure, as with any rude, disruptive, and combative houseguest. By sinning against perfect knowledge of God and His purposes, those expelled spirits adequately demonstrated they were utterly ruined ("perdition"), and would never be candidates for a kingdom of glory. (Is. 14:12; 1 Cor. 15:39-42) So, possessing supreme charity and intelligence, the noble and great ones did what they had to do to preserve their society. It is, in fact, the divine measure of character, integrity, or intelligence to be able to forsake the devil. (Job 2:3; 27:2-6; 31:6; Prov. 20:7; D&C 93:36+)
By contrast, the devil has no intelligence, nor character, as the scriptures define it. He is unquestionably the enemy of Jesus, in philosophy or religion, in personal integrity, and in every other way, and is constantly tormenting the children of God, and leading them to destruction. (Jn. 8:49; Mos. 4:14) Obviously, Jesus is not a diplomat, not "a big ball of honey," nor a deal-maker with evil people (Matt. 12:50; Mark 3:35), and He prophesies yet another "great division among the people." (Jn. 7:43; 2 Ne. 30:10) Jesus is kind and gentle, but hard-nosed about keeping His commandments. When the wicked leave Him no other choice, "as for our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts (armies) is His name, the Holy One of Israel." (1 Sam. 17:45; Ps. 24:10; Is. 2:12; 47:4)
Jesus is still completely dedicated to establishing and defending the life He and His Father lead, at all costs. So Jesus and Satan are complete opposites. Jesus is a Creator and a supporter of human life, and Satan is a destroyer of the same. The whole purpose of the final judgment of all men and women is to place them in categories or grades of reward, according to their philosophies and deeds toward God and other humans, solely determined by how they employ their freedom of choice in pursuing the life God leads. (Matt. 25:31-46; Jn. 5:27; 1 Cor. 15:39-42) The wise will have relied on the merits of Christ or Messiah, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide. (Matt. 25:1-13) The rest will be trusting in their "good works" for salvation, making them responsible for "the ends of the law," or punishments, they merit. (Rom. 2:12-27; 3:19-31; 7:1-25; 2 Ne. 2:7-10)
Whether or not mortals or anyone is "clean," or sin-free, before God is ultimately not about men, but about God. He must accept the individual as "justified" and sinless before he or she can be in His presence. Since He, the King of Heaven, is the only one offering repentance, freedom from guilt, and a glorious resurrection, He sets the terms for obtaining these benefits. He does so by covenant making and keeping, to which He is a willing party. (Gen. 6;18; Ex. 19:5; Matt. 26:28; Acts 3:25; Eph. 2:12; Heb. 8:6; 12:24; 13:20) If men repent and rely on the sinless Messiah, He, God, cleanses the souls of men. If He does not do that, they remain sin laden, and cannot be in His presence. If they refuse to rely on the good works and righteousness of the Son, they default to depending on their own spotty good works and righteousness. (Ez. 36:25-28; Acts 11:9; Rom. 1:24-32; Eph. 5:5-7; 1 Ne. 10:21)
The main objective of Jesus for "answering the ends of the law," or enduring vicariously the punishments He affixed to the law is so He could balance within Himself the Godly attributes of justice (punishment) and mercy. (Ps. 8:14; Alma 42:15-27; 3 Ne. 25:25-27) That balance allows Him to still punish unrepentant sinners, but let repentant sinners escape, and return to His immediate presence as in the beginning. (Is. 64:4; 1 Cor. 2:9) Therefore, He commands all men and women to obey His gospel, and be born again, or be changed by the Spirit, following complete repentance. (John 3:, 37; Alma 7:14; Moses 6:59, 60; Mark 1:1, 14-15; Rom. 1:16; 2 Tim. 1:8, 10; 1 Th. 1:4-9; 1 Pet. 4:6, 17; 3 Ne. 27:13-22) He also commands them to strive to be perfect as He and His Father are perfect. (Matt. 5:48; 3 Ne. 12:48) And if men keep His commandments, His blessings are sure. (Matt. 5, 6; Heb. 6:13; 3 Ne. 12, 13; D&C 82:10) ----- A. F. Publius links to the directly following published statement and Official Website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (
How can Jesus and Lucifer be spirit brothers when their characters and purposes are so utterly opposed?
Jess L. Christensen, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, June 1986, 25–26
Jess L. Christensen, Institute of Religion director at Utah State University, Logan, Utah. On first hearing, the doctrine that Lucifer and our Lord, Jesus Christ, are brothers may seem surprising to some—especially to those unacquainted with latter-day revelations. But both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers. Jesus Christ was with the Father from the beginning. Lucifer, too, was an angel “who was in authority in the presence of God,” a “son of the morning.” (See Isa. 14:12; D&C 76:25–27.) Both Jesus and Lucifer were strong leaders with great knowledge and influence. But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer’s older brother. (See Col. 1:15; D&C 93:21.)
How could two such great spirits become so totally opposite? The answer lies in the principle of agency, which has existed from all eternity. (See D&C 93:30–31.) Of Lucifer, the scripture says that because of rebellion “he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies.” (Moses 4:4.) Note that he was not created evil, but became Satan by his own choice.
When our Father in Heaven presented his plan of salvation, Jesus sustained the plan and his part in it, giving the glory to God, to whom it properly belonged. Lucifer, on the other hand, sought power, honor, and glory only for himself. (See Isa. 14:13–14; Moses 4:1–2.) When his modification of the Father’s plan was rejected, he rebelled against God and was subsequently cast out of heaven with those who had sided with him. (See Rev. 12:7–9; D&C 29:36–37.)
That brothers would make dramatically different choices is not unusual. It has happened time and again, as the scriptures attest: Cain chose to serve Satan; Abel chose to serve God. (See Moses 5:16–18.) Esau “despised his birthright”; Jacob wanted to honor it. (Gen. 25:29–34.) Joseph’s brothers sought to kill him; he sought to preserve them. (Gen. 37:12–24; Gen. 45:3–11.)
It is ironic that the agency with which Lucifer rebelled is the very gift he tried to take from man. His proposal was that all be forced back into God’s presence. (See Moses 4:1, 3.) But the principle of agency is fundamental to the existence and progression of intelligent beings: as we make wise choices, we grow in light and truth. On the other hand, wrong choices—such as the one Satan made—stop progress and can even deny us blessings that we already have. (See D&C 93:30–36.)
In order for us to progress, therefore, we must have the opportunity to choose good or evil. Interestingly, Satan and his angels—those who opposed agency—have become that opposition. As the prophet Lehi taught, “Men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.” (2 Ne. 2:27.)
Although the Father has allowed Satan and his angels to tempt mankind, he has given each of us the ability to rise above temptation. (See 1 Cor. 10:13.) He has also given us the great gift of the Atonement.
When the Lord placed enmity between Eve’s children and the devil, Satan was told that he would bruise the heel of Eve’s seed, but her seed would bruise his head. (See Moses 4:21.) President Joseph Fielding Smith explained that “the ‘God of peace,’ who according to the scriptures is to bruise Satan, is Jesus Christ.” (Answers to Gospel Questions, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1957, 1:3.) Satan would bruise the Savior’s heel by leading men to crucify Him. But through his death and resurrection, Christ overcame death for all of us; and through his atonement, he offers each of us a way to escape the eternal ramifications of sin. Thus, Satan’s machinations have been frustrated and eventually he will be judged, bound, and cast into hell forever. (See Rev. 20:1–10; D&C 29:26–29.)
In Hebrew, the word bruise means “to crush or grind.” Therefore, the very heel that was bruised will crush Satan and will help us overcome the world and return to our Father. As we use our agency to choose good over evil, the atonement of Christ prepares the way for us to return to our Father in Heaven.
We can only imagine the sorrow of our Heavenly Father as he watched a loved son incite and lead a rebellion and lose his opportunity for exaltation. But we can also imagine the Father’s love and rejoicing as he welcomed back the beloved son who had valiantly and perfectly fought the battles of life and brought about the great Atonement through his suffering and death.
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Latter-day saints, or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, less correctly called "Mormons" because they accept the Book of Mormon together with and not as a replacement for the Bible, have a long history as positive contributors to the United States of America and other countries in the world. It is important to note in the first place that the Book of Mormon is as one retired Lutheran minister stated, "the most Christ-loving book I ever read," adding dimensions to the life and ministry of Christ not otherwise known. It is a lengthy tract arguing the position, by explicit examples and eyewitness observations, that people prosper if they worship Messiah, and suffer if they do not. That Book is the witness and test of Joseph Smith’s authenticity. In the second place, the latter-day saints believe more and can explain more of the Bible than anyone else, their explanations for Daniel, Isaiah, Hebrews, and the Revelation of St. John being only four of many examples.
(approximately 2 typewritten pages)
Latter-day saints, or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, less correctly called "Mormons" because they accept the Book of Mormon together with and not as a replacement for the Bible, have a long history as positive contributors to the United States of America and other countries in the world. It is important to note in the first place that the Book of Mormon is as one retired Lutheran minister stated, "the most Christ-loving book I ever read," adding dimensions to the life and ministry of Christ not otherwise known. It is a lengthy tract arguing the position, by explicit examples and eyewitness observations, that people prosper if they worship Messiah, and suffer if they do not. That Book is the witness and test of Joseph Smith’s authenticity. In the second place, the latter-day saints believe more and can explain more of the Bible than anyone else, their explanations for Daniel, Isaiah, Hebrews, and the Revelation of St. John being only four of many examples.
Few, if any, such positive contributions like those that will follow were cited by Mitt Romney in his recent campaign speech for President on the subject of "faith," which speech, although lofty, did not mention the positive influences wrought by members of his church.
So-called "Mormonism" began in 1820 when the young Joseph Smith, Jr., whom Lawrence O’Donnell recently on national television called "a lying, fraudulent criminal," retired to a secluded forest grove to ask God which of the contentious Christian sects he should join, after having been greatly impressed with the Bible passage, James 1:5-8. It admonishes anyone needing wisdom to ask God for a revelation of His will, without fear of punishment. But the passage stipulates the necessity to ask in faith, without being double-minded, unstable, or wavering in the request. Joseph Smith claimed he received an answer from God, as the Bible scripture promised. The guiding principle here is that if it is possible anyone can receive an answer to prayer, why couldn’t Joseph Smith? Many others have made that claim, rich and poor, black, white, bond, and free.
The church presided over by Joseph Smith was formally organized in 1830 with six members, and now numbers between 13 and 14 million members worldwide, with approximately 22,000 houses of worship and some 120 temples, almost half of which are in the United States of America. Since its founding as a continuation of the primitive organization Jesus himself set up, many notable accomplishments useful to Americans and others can be claimed by Mormons. Among these are the settling of six western states in the United States, plus settlements in Canada and Mexico. Brigham Young led some 70,000 converts west over a period of only a few years. Many, such as those that perished in handcart companies on the Great Plains, came from England. Others came from Denmark, Sweden, and other European and Scandinavian countries. The son of a Danish Mormon immigrant later sculpted the faces of American presidents on Mount Rushmore.
For some of their "unorthodox" beliefs not shared by other heirs of the Reformation, early Mormons were severely persecuted. But even in their greatest distress, having been newly driven from their homes in the Nauvoo, Illinois, following other expulsions in Ohio and Missouri, the Mormons answered the call of their country to form a small army of 500 men and two women to march over uncharted territory to liberate California and much of the West from Mexico. In fact, the first governor of California was a Mormon, a Mormon Battalion enlistee, serving approximately three weeks, until a Federal officer could arrive to preside over the newly acquired territory. That same band of Mormons was present when gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, some even working there at the time. One recorded the exact date of discovery in his journal, the only authoritative documentation. All the enlistees could have become fabulously wealthy, both in gold and in California lands, but they chose to walk away from it all to be obedient to and to join their spiritual leaders settled in Utah. But they left blazed trails for others to follow to reach California.
Jacob Hamblin, a faithful Mormon convert from Wisconsin sent by Brigham Young, along with a few others, to settle southern Utah, was the first white man to see and explore the Grand Canyon, not John Wesley Powell. In fact, he acted as a guide for Powell, since he had learned to speak the Indian languages of that area.
Las Vegas, Nevada; San Bernadino, California; many cities in Arizona; most of the cities in Utah; Fruitland and Kirtland, New Mexico; Mancos, Sanford, and Manassa, Colorado; and other places were first settled by Mormons. A descendent of Colorado Mormon settlers was Jack Dempsey, the famous "Manassa Mauler," who shortly before his death still confessed to Glenn L. Pearson, "I believe the Book of Mormon, and I pray every day."
Among the very first missionaries to what is now Tahaiti and surrounding islands were such Mormons as Noah Rogers, bringing a better life to isolated and ignorant people. In 1872, Brigham Young directed the purchase of a tract of land in Hawaii, now accommodating a temple, one of three church universities, and the Polynesian Cultural Center dedicated to preserving native traditions of the island peoples and employing young college students. Today, besides having 55,000 full-time missionaries intent on bringing the message of Christ’s redemption to all people, latter-day saints are well known for their relief efforts among those suffering from material needs in the United States and the rest of the world. Being highly organized, they exercise an influence disproportionate to their number.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has accumulated over the decades a huge genealogical record depository headquartered in Utah, among the very largest in the world. Its members computerized Ellis Island immigration records for easy access, and had a hand in organizing the Freedman’s Bank records, containing specifics on ancestors for up to one third of American black people. It should also come as no surprise that untold numbers of Mormons are direct descendents of important historical figures. Gordan B. Hinkley, President of the Church, is a direct descendent of Mayflower Pilgrim, Stephen Hopkins. Noah Rogers and his posterity claim to descend from John Rogers the Martyr, assistant to William Tyndale, translator of the Bible into English, both being former Catholic priests and both burned at the stake for their efforts to bring Bible understanding to common men in England. Henry VIII burned Tyndale, and Bloody Mary I burned Rogers, while his wife and children watched, facts featured in The New England Primer.
Latter-day saints are typically rational people found among the fallen posterity of Adam and Eve. Quick to adopt better ideas and strongly family oriented, they are a society, or collection, of skeptics, that is, they tend to disbelieve, or hold in abeyance popular beliefs, until they prove them for themselves. Once they are satisfied, they tend to believe deeply, and sacrifice greatly for their beliefs. An individual witness from God, similar to the one Joseph Smith, Jr. sought, is the backbone of the church.
Mormons have excelled in industry, business, agriculture, personal computers and calculators, and other inventiveness. Many are wealthy and influential. Any or all may be found quietly doing good. John M. Browning, son of the Nauvoo, Illinois gunmaker, Nathan Browning, produced superior firearms used by the U. S. Military to fight America’s wars. As his contribution to the war effort, Browning did not haggle with the government for high prices, but accepted usually low offers for his designs. Mormons have come to their country’s defense in every war since 1830, except the War Between the States. Even then, many capable men in that War, such as Captain John Morgan, later joined the latter-day saints, making their mark on both American and Mormon histories. In fact, Mormons consider the United States Constitution as originally framed tantamount to scripture. (See D&C 101)
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